Legend of Lua
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
This entire project is on GitHub:
As of 10/13/2022, all future updates will be applied to a different repo that is not open-source. This is necessary so I can hire artists to create assets and purchase professionally made sprites, sound effects, and music. I am not allowed to re-distribute those types of assets, so unfortunately, they cannot exist in an open-source repo.
Follow this project on YouTube and TikTok:
Feel free to provide feedback in the comments on this page, or better yet, please join my game development Discord!
Status | In development |
Platforms | Windows, macOS |
Rating | Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars (14 total ratings) |
Author | Challacade |
Install instructions
Download the appropriate version for your operating system, extract the zip, and run the executable/app. If you get a warning stating the source is untrusted, choose More -> Run on Windows, or if you're on Mac, right-click on the app and choose Open, which will give you the option to run despite the warning.
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A little bug I found 5 minutes ago lol, not sure if you are aware but the dialog action of stepping away pushes you through the wall collider :D
Please android version. I came here from your YouTube
exploded some rocks with some bombs, went through the opening, and just walked of the screen. I went back, tried going in from a different spot and same thing. I gave up and closed the game. any idea if it's just a bug on my end?
I found your game on YouTube. Your game looks amazing!
Your game didn't load. There was a blank black screen and a movable mouse cursor. I play games on the Itch app, using Windows 11.
Please let me know when you update your game so I can play it! Thanks!
I dont have any problems on win11
Were you using the Itch app or did you directly download and install the game?
From now, you can download demo on Steam, game is called Moonshire
Thank you! :)
No linux build T_T
I don't know wether or not this is mac exclusive, but the cave lighting is terrible and when you come back through the cave from the sky level, it changes back to the old map.
Seems like the ysort origin for the trees could be moved down a smidge.
Amazing Game! I love the 360 combat. Found these bugs while playing:
src/utilities/hitbox.lua:151: attempt to index field 'args' (a nil value)
[love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler' src/utilities/hitbox.lua:151: in function 'update' src/utilities/hitbox.lua:242: in function 'update' src/update.lua:47: in function 'updateGame' src/update.lua:4: in function 'updateAll' main.lua:42: in function 'update' [love "callbacks.lua"]:162: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144> [C]: in function 'xpcall'
All in all, very good. Can't wait for the next version.
Will there be a Linux version? :)
thought i am the only linux user here
you can just install love with sudo apt-get install love if you are using love2d and run with love . in the project directory in the terminal.
The one in github is an older version that doesn't have all the features this release does .
I just rolled diagonally down through a screen transition in the test dungeon and bumpt into the wall and got enough movement to go back through the screen transition upwards but backwards and got this error:
src/levels/transition.lua:88: attempt to index a nil value
[love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler'
src/levels/transition.lua:88: in function 'triggerTransition'
src/levels/curtain.lua:186: in function 'open'
src/levels/curtain.lua:126: in function '_oncomplete'
libraries/flux/flux.lua:170: in function 'update'
src/update.lua:18: in function 'updateGame'
src/update.lua:4: in function 'updateAll'
main.lua:37: in function 'update'
[love "callbacks.lua"]:162: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Did't get too far but I'll try more later.
My feedback so far: I'm playing on an ultrawide display, and for the most part it all looks great. But the procedual tunnel seems to shift everything to the right side of the screen (maybe later I could take screenshots to show what I mean)
The way the elevators lowers a little bit before raising to the sky looked nice, but it actually gave me an idea to fake out the player a little bit. What if the first few times you encounter a platform like that, it lowers you into an underground dungeon. Then after you've come to them a couple times, you expect it to got underground, but instead it raises to the clouds.
I played 0.1.6a and my feedback is:
The game core mechanics are pretty fun, remebmer me the feeling of first time I played Zelda Minish Cap, but the mechanics are more uinique, the only "bug" that I got is when I play in 1080p full screen, the game have some tearing in the tile sets, some black lines netween some tiles when the camera moves.
Bruh. I really just had a 4 million iq moment just to find this sign...
Awesome game! A blast to play and can't wait for what the future holds for it! While playing the demo I ran into one bug. Rolling off the moving platforms in the sky didn't make the player fall down. Instead I got stuck watching the platform move indefinitely. An option for less screenshake would also be appreciated. Other then that, fantastic work!
i was playing the game (version 0.1.6) on windows and tried to change the colour of the coat from red to green (and then to all the other colours too) but instead of changing the colour, it made the lower part of the coat invisible. but outside of that im enjoying the game a lot, good work so far
The game crashed on Mac when I tried to hit the electric jelly fish with a torch.
So, here is a little bug report, of things that I found while playing this demo (legend-win32-0.1.5):
vases can’t break other vases when thrown at them. (torches too)
There missing collisions on the bridge in the village, when you step a little more to the bottom (but only in windowed mode?):
when there’s “disabled” jellyfish it can stuck where you place it. (in sky, when on moving platforms, for example)
Pause menu don’t pause anything, so you can die while on pause.
Now this is my cup of tea, it's very good! I love the simple complexity of it so far.
One thing I would really like to help is for the torch to see for a little farther, I still feel like I'm blind in the cave, I can really only see about one lua in front of me.
I'm not sure if there is a good way to do it, but maybe put a sign (or you know something similar) in the clouds so that you know you can fall even on small gaps, Many dodge roll games make it so you can go over gaps so it might be good to show it somehow, but really putting you down at one heart is a pretty fun idea. but this is just me, If you put a sign showing it, then you could have a weak enemy at the bottom waiting for you. it's not really going to set you back since you have a save, but it would be good for reactions.
Now for something fun you could add, haha
I think it would be cool if you could throw things down a well, (maybe a special coin could be achieved in each village to throw in it and get a small reward)
Overall very promising :)
How can i create a game like this? Does anyone knows a course or something that i can do in order to create
Look at his youtube channel
First learn Python (https://www.python.org/downloads/) then learn pygame (https://pyga.me/) then learn a different language like java or C++ then chose a game engine (I like Godot but here is a review video-
maybe just cs50 harvard gd50 course. It also uses the same framework that this game uses at start to grasp the fundamentals.
it works like shit with a toching pad. I died 3 times killing the rock boss because the game woudn´t let me attack. The rest of the game is pretty good. I don't like the velocity of the player, it's too slow. I'm going to test it with the mouse. Also you shoud have the abiliy to swim more distanc
if you dash into a wall and through a door type thing you can skip alot
i really liked it but i agree with danthemank1's comment and i think you should add more weapons to the game and something in the shop
What I liked:
Solid gameplay, combat is really good, hopefully soon you are adding extra combos, first boss was fun, i love the art. I really loved the transportation into the sky dungeon, animation was really good. I love how you fall off the entire island and land on the ground once you fall.
after playing the demo, a few small things that I felt could come to your attention as feedback;
I assume the lava cave is still under construction and that is why u can go out of bounds so easily and walk on lava.
that aside, I really enjoyed the game! even walking around the world feels good and the scenes are stunning. the variety of the monsters (especially in the test dungeon) is really adding, the sky dungeon is diverse and the puzzle and ofc the power, and the boss give it a sense of accomplishment
I'm really excited for the game to keep growing and of course, waiting for the full release.
He just posted a new release.
i played on 0.1.4
i should have specified,ur right
i played the demo and i loved it a ton i think story, art, and music, are all very good so great job! i only struggle with not running into enemies by accident or not getting hit turning around, I'm not sure what you could do to fix that but i do know its partially me lol
I have some suggestions for improvements, which I am sure you have already considered:
- The default attack button takes away from one's ability to use the left stick to attack. Rebinding this button made my player only attack towards 5 o' clock.
- The first town the tree beneath the house with the slime, the ground around the water by the tree pulls me in more than it should.
- There was a bug where I was getting the third attack's combo distance strike on all of my attacks, this was tough to replicate though
- One is still able to spam attacks by spacing the attack key by about 0.2 seconds, it feels like the combo should chain more aggressively.
- I couldn't find your exploding rock. :c
The game is looking really good!
Love your YouTube content; keep up the good work.
Its surprisingly fun to play, even though there's not much to do yet. The controls feel responsive and the impact of the magic spell can be felt. Looking forward to your progress.
I picked up the game and had so much fun. I learned how to play I enjoyed the scenery it was the best indie game experience I've had since the binding of Issac and this was still better than that. I enjoyed fighting the enemies I enjoyed fighting the boss I enjoyed it all. There definitely needs to be a way to up the max health or defense cause I died so many times but obviously, it just reset my health lol. 10/10 I can't wait to play the full release.
nice demo!
btw there is a glitch when you go to the shop you get a error why????
really good i loved the game maybe lower down the lighting strike noise
Awesome gameplay... well polished! Good luck with this project!
I love the feeling of controlling the character. Hitting a wall looks great.
What snappy and fun battle system. Only thing I thought was that the bow range was pretty short.
a mac export but no linux ;-;
Use wine ;)
Great game! Grew up playing games like this so its always nice to come back to games as such! Keep up the great work its going to turn out great I'm sure!
I cannot stress how much I love this game the combat is so fluid I beat the dungeon no spells hitless but I did find 3 bugs which is expected from a demo
bug 1: when you reload a room the enemies change in the dungeon I interpret this as a bug because well it would not be the greatest feature you can easily abuse this so you for example only have to fight slimes and bats
bug 2: with the bomb and arrow when you use it the bomb does not go on charge I interpret this as a bug as you can not use bomb arrow when the bomb is on charge
bug 3: if you charge the bow then switch to your sword the bow stays charged till you have your mouse off the charge button when the bow is selected I think this bug could be adapted into a feature if you made it so even if you let go of the mouse button when on your sword the bow still fires the reason I think it should be adapted into a feature is because it can be interesting to apply a bomb to your arrow this way
oh yea and for the hp thing I would love to see death implemented if you are looking for a good hp number I would say 100 if you want the game to be on the simple I can go through every dungeon first try or 50 if you want it to be hard but still very casual and if you are planning to keep it hard 25 is a great number